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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Photo of the Day | Photo District News

    My shot of Austin Bleiweiss is being featured today on the PDN website!  This is one my first and favorite skim shots I have taken.  Photo District News is a huge publication and I'm super excited that they chose this shot.  Here is a little more info that I sent Daryl:

    "I got together with ZAP Skimboards team rider Austin Bleiweiss to come up with a shot that would be apart from the normal skimboard shots.  We talked earlier during the day and decided that the skim was to flat for any kind of daytime ideas we had. I have always wanted to get an action shot at my hometown pier that I usually spend day and night at.  I ran a few ideas by Austin and he was in.  By the time we all met up at the pier the sun was pretty much already in the prime spot, and the color was spot on.  We had about 10 to 15 minutes to get the lights set up, rider warmed up, and camera set.  After a 1 minute debate on what trick to throw; Austin stuck this Back 3 and got what we were looking for on the third try leaving us spare time to enjoy the rest of the sunset!"

Check it out at:

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